creep process中文什么意思

发音:   用"creep process"造句
  • creep:    vi. (crept; crept) ...
  • process:    vi. 〔口语〕排队走,列队行进 〔 ...
  • creep:    CREEP =Committee f ...
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  1. A theoretical model for the creep process of frozen soil based on damage mechanics
  2. Using the three ? arameter solid model and the burgers four - parameter model to fit the creep curve separately , it was found that the burgers model can describe the creep process more well , and then provide parameters for finite element analysis of asphalt concrete cores for embankment dams
  3. Three dimensional braiding preform reinforced resin composite is a new type of advanced composites and used in aircraft and space , transportation , construction , military project , medical treatment and physical education etc . 3 - d braiding composites will subject to long - term tensile force during applied process , which is a long - time creep process
  4. This article deals with the analysis carried out in association with measured creep process before and after initial dam impoundment when landslide occurs , which suggests that the landslide undergoes both acceleration and deceleration procedures as the water level increases and ends up with retarded creep state after the water level is in stabilized status


  1. creep of tyre on rim 什么意思
  2. creep out 什么意思
  3. creep path 什么意思
  4. creep peg 什么意思
  5. creep point 什么意思
  6. creep properties 什么意思
  7. creep property 什么意思
  8. creep property of cyclic condition 什么意思
  9. creep rate 什么意思
  10. creep rate limit 什么意思


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